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Cosmic Muse

The physical body is an alchemical vessel for our experience in this life.
The quality of the foods and substances we ingest can create health or disrupt the connection we have with our physical, mental, and spiritual self. This can manifest in a variety of ways - though most often it shows up as physical ailments, sensitivities, depression, pain, and dissociation that can prevent the body and mind from accessing its highest potential.
Did you know that health challenges can reveal themselves in your natal and transit charts?
As a certified wellness counselor, I use astrological insights to help pinpoint the underlying causes of health challenges, and offer you an empowered approach to improving or maintaining your health.
This can be especially helpful when conventional tests have failed to offer you conclusive results.
While some discomfort in the body may be unavoidable, consistant self care can create a safe space for the soul to reside.
Health Reading: $145
Includes 60-minute call
*If you are a current Health client (within the last 6mo) and would like additional support, choose the Follow-Up option $65
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